2023年7月,Explore in US 2023探索美国夏令营项目将要带孩子们来到位于宾夕法尼亚州的Delaware County(DC School)学校,参与学校为期5天的Summer School。
Delaware County Christian School

Delaware County Christian School学校位于费城区 成立于1950年,是一所正统的私立教会学校,环境优美 教室设备精良,不仅重视学术,也非常重视体育运动
Delaware County的校园绿树成荫,孩子们午餐时经常选择在户外就餐,三三两两 围成一圈 边吃边聊,校园里有崭新的教学楼和餐厅,也有富有年代感的老建筑。
Delaware County非常欢迎参加Summer School孩子们,以下是学校的欢迎信:
Thank you for considering DC Summer Programs for your family! It is our goal to provide a fun and safe environment for all campers. Whether on camp, at a field trip or in the innovation lab, campers will be constantly engaged with one another and staff members working together to create an unforgettable summer experience. Our slogan is “Love Your Camp” and it is our goal that your child and entire family will consider this summer to be your best camp experience yet!
Kevin McIntyre, Camp Director
本次Summer School的可选课程,日期:2023/7/17 - 7/21

Artistic Adventures
Elementary (Ages 6-10)
Let your creativity ignite as we use the talents God has given us with our Art themed week. Explore shapes, lines, colors, and textures as you put your unique mark into both individual projects and an all camp art project.
Elementary (Ages 8-10)
Middle School (Ages 11-12)
Knights Sports Academy Baseball Camp provides instruction on all facets of the game including hitting, bunting, base-running, throwing, catching and pitching. Camp will conclude with exciting competitions and awesome prizes.
Experience Day Camp
Middle School (Ages 11-12)
Experience a camp environment built to promote excitement in our rising Middle School aged campers to be active and build meaningful friendships. With the perfect balance of on camp activities, field trips and service opportunities, there is never a dull moment!
Field Trip Highlight: Ocean City, NJ
Excursion Day Camp
Middle School (Ages 13-14)
On the places our campers will go during a week of EXCURSION camp! Brand new to camp this year and offered 3 weeks throughout the summer, excursion campers will experience a different field trip every day. Each week will include one service project in our local community, one amusement park day, one visit to a local open space for hiking, biking etc.. and other more varied surprises.
Field Trips for the week:
Monday: Laser Tag and Valley Forge National Historical Park
Tuesday: Dorney Park
Wednesday: Greener Partners Service Day
Thursday: Cape Henlopen Overnight Camping
Friday: Cape Henlopen Overnight Camping


毕业晚会:Summer School 结束以后